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Image by Robert Bye

Our Southsea Classes & Community of Practitioners

Weekly class schedule
*Please note that this a tentative schedule and is subject to change. Please check the  individual booking links to verify class dates & times. 



19:00 - Yin Yoga with Emma (book here

20:30 - Restorative Yin Yoga with Emily (book here)



07:30 - Meditation with Emma (book here

18:00 - Vinyasa Flow with Emily (book here)

19:00 - Slow Flow Yoga with Emily (book here)

20:00 - Restorative Yin Yoga with Emily (book here


17:00 - General Level Yoga with Louise (book here)

19:45 - Meditation with Ross Edwards (a biweekly event, book here

19:45 - Sacred Women's Circle with Emma (a biweekly event, book here)



17:00 - General Level Yoga with Louise (book here)

18:15 - Pregnancy Yoga with Louise (book here)

19:30 - Pregnancy Yoga with Louise (book here)



07:00 - Beginners Ashtanga with Emily (book here)

12:00 - Hatha Yoga with Louise (book here

18:00 - Restorative Yoga with Louise (a monthly event, book here)

18:00 - Deep Dive Yoga with Emily (a monthly event, book here)




08:00 - Vinyasa Flow with Emily (book here)

Our Community of Practitioners

Louise Milward, Humming Bee


Louise Milward is a highly qualified Yoga teacher with more than 15 years experience facilitating corporate, private and group classes. She offers Hatha yoga, yoga for sport, pregnancy yoga, post-natal yoga, children's classes, restorative yoga, face yoga and reiki therapy. Learn more about her work and how to book in with her here

Louise Milward, Humming Bee


Louise Milward is a highly qualified Yoga teacher with more than 15 years experience facilitating corporate, private and group classes. She offers Hatha yoga, yoga for sport, pregnancy yoga, post-natal yoga, children's classes, restorative yoga, face yoga and reiki therapy. Learn more about her work and how to book in with her here


Coral Jade Hall, Sunrise Ambience


Through her own healing journey Coral discovered her true authentic self. Now using her spiritual gifts and deep understanding of the roller coaster that life can be she provides a safe space for all. Shining the light to help heal, teach and guide others through the discovery of self and become blessed with true peace within. She offers Angelic Reiki, Past Life Therapy, Oracle Card Readings and more. Check out her website here


Emily Dunstan, Yoga by Emily


Emily brings a light-hearted and modern approach to Yoga. She offers a blend of modern movement & meditative classes, including Deep Rest Sessions, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow and Beginners Ashtanga. She also hosts workshops and mindful retreat experiences to help you dive deeper into your yoga journey.​ Learn more about her private coaching sessions and group classes here.

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Emma Murray, Fiadhaich Yoga


Emma is passionate about creating inclusive and safe spaces to guide people back to their body and to themselves. She offers Yin and Vinyasa yoga classes; Sacred Circles; and Meditation sessions. Learn more about her classes and sacred circles here.


Simin, Sim.ply Be


Simin is a womb wisdom keeper and birth doula, certified by Sanctuary of Sophia and Conscious Birthing. She offers full spectrum womb well-being services such as massage, ceremony & ritual and birth keeping. She is passionate about women's holistic health and providing a safe & supportive space for women to reclaim their portal of power. Find out more here

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Ross Ananta, Deep Psychology

Ross Ananta Edwards BSc DipBSoM leads the Mindulness Meditation Tribe and he is on a mission to create a community of committed meditation practitioners for mutual support, challenge, and growth in the endeavour of mindfulness. He is well acquainted with the learning journey, the need to explain ideas clearly and concisely, and our potential for growth and change. Ross believes that with solid commitment and good guidance, we can excel in any area. So you can expect close attention, simple but powerful instructions, and an open heart. Learn more here

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