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Coaching with Simon

Once I started my journey, there was no going back. I found my bearings, faced the right way and just kept going, wherever it took me.

Why go on a
6-week journey with me?

Having worked with my own coaches and mentors, I understand the importance of having a soundboard and someone to hold me accountable when I’m navigating change. 

Working together as a team, our goal is to discover what you truly want in life and create a clear and navigable roadmap to help you set sail in the right direction.

Being asked the right questions can help paint a clearer picture of the life you’re creating. Being asked the right questions can also challenge you to break through the invisible barriers that hold you back. 

Having embarked on my own journey of self-discovery for some time now, I know that having someone alongside me has made navigating this journey more simple and tangible. It has helped me to uncover deeper meaning in my life. 


Sessions can be held online or in-person at our Southsea location. The exchange for 6 sessions is £300. Email to arrange a connection call, and we'll discuss whether working together is the right fit. 

Image by FotoFlo


Doing coaching with Simon was a great decision, and allowed me to process my thoughts in a calm, non judgemental space. Simon was dedicated, kind and encouraging throughout, introducing me to some powerful tools, tips and readings to better align with where I want to be, and how I want to show up in life. I feel I have come out the other side a stronger and wiser person!
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